How to Manage Employee Recognition in Times Of COVID-19?

Headsup Corporation
3 min readJul 16, 2020

Present-day employees value praise as much as monetary gains in any given task. The growing uncertainty and demoralizing news of economic downturns in the wake of COVID-19 outbreak, has made performance management and appraisal of employees crucial. As the working model of employee shifts, the best HR recruitment consultants in Delhi are finding remarkable ways to respond. Here are 5 ways to leverage employee recognition during COVID-19:

  1. Reflect on Your Team: The best form of recognition is expressed in a heartfelt appreciation. Use this time more alone-time to recognize your teams’ efforts and appreciate their consistent resilience and commitment throughout the pandemic. With less physical meetings and commuting, its crucial for enterprises to stay connected with employees through video conferencing or group chats. Publicly acknowledge their hard work over a video call or add their accomplishment to an internal newsletter for their peers to notice. It will boost their morale and help them connect over something positive.

2. Recognize Silent Heroes: The quiet ones who don’t complain rarely appear in limelight but always get the work done. Take a minute to applaud these members of your team who consistently provide support and work behind the scenes to make things happen without any error. Often, they quietly deliver work without fanfare or expectations. Rewarding these members especially during the pandemic it will uplift their spirits and keep them engaged positively.

3. E-cards: Many enterprises use simple ways of recognition to celebrate the hard-working ones despite the challenges posed by COVID-19. They keep employees motivated and energized by managing software that allows leaders to automatically send E-cards every day to thank employees. Even small gestures as such keep them happy and motivated.

4. Focus on Success: During unexpected business fluctuations, employees need the support of positive daily experiences and communications more than ever. The unavoidable waves of discouraging news can destroy employees’ motivation to work hard. However, generating opportunities to move forward can encourage employees to focus their energy on working and recovering. During such challenging times, it can be motivating to pull people together to celebrate even small victories and offering special attention to activities that will give rise to even bigger gains.

5. Be flexible: With daycare facilities and schools remaining closed during the lockdown, employers need to recognize the major changes faced by employees in their daily lives. They have to be understanding and allow their employees to work from home if they wish to do so. Make sure employees are kept up-to-date on what is going on within your organization and let them know they can stay home when sick without any consequences. Award them with days off that they can use later or allow them to leave a shift early when needed.

It’s a tough time for all companies but celebrating individual and team success can make a difference in challenging times and inspire resilient teams and enterprises to come out of this situation more confident and with higher growth rate than others when the economy recovers.

